Planting Hope: From Acorn To Oak Update

Rye Sustainability Committee’s initiative Planting Hope: from Acorn to Oak was successfully launched this spring, despite Covid-19 preventing the project taking place in Rye’s nursery schools. Instead, Rye’s children were able to collect acorns, soil and containers from the Knapp House during the lockdown, providing them an opportunity to participate. Directions for planting to ensure successful germination were outlined and posted.

Many acorns were collected and hopefully planted. We expect there are many Rye children nurturing their planted acorns and eagerly awaiting the development of a red oak seedling. The first sign will be a reddish stalk pushing up through the soil. As it shoots up, leaves will form and enlarge almost daily. Under the soil, a long taproot is developing. It is important not to let the taproot grow out of the bottom of the container as the root may break.

When the seedling has large green leaves it is ready to be planted. However, first, it must be acclimated to the outdoors. This may be done after the last frost, by exposing the seedling to the outdoors over a series of days, gradually building the time spent there.

When it is time to plant, select a location where the tree will be able to grow and spread. Dig a hole twice as wide and deep as the carton the seedling is growing in. Cut the base of the milk carton away carefully, so as not to disturb the root. Place the seedling in the hole so that it is at the same height as it was in the container and fill it with soil. Water thoroughly and cover with some type of cage to protect the tender stem and leaves from deer and other pests as it grows.

Seedlings will ideally be planted in Rye this May and should grow to become giant red oak trees similar to the one the acorns were gathered from. These oak trees will help mitigate flooding in Rye and additionally absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, improving Rye’s air quality. Planting Hope: from Acorn to Oak is the start of a tree planting program which the Rye Sustainability Committee hopes to expand in the upcoming years to help combat Climate Change.